

We admit, if something's just really good, you should just take it in. The perfect raincoat with a focus on freedom, playtime and adventure. The Amsterdam brand Gosoaky has it all. Every jacket is either water resistant or water repellent. With an eye for technical details and materials that ensure that your little rascal is truly 'outerproof'. With their love for fashion and playful approach, they create fun collections that will appeal to both young and old. Gosoaky is simple, functional, essential, innovative and fashionable through the use of high quality fabrics and finishes. Stylish rainwear for rain loving kids; Let's Go Soaky!

Shop: Eugeen Bosteelsstraat 10, Aalst - order@annapops.be - +32(0)53 41 57 39 - open from Wed to Sat, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.